“You can go out there and conquer the world, but then there’s that voice say “who are you? You know you can’t do that. That cancerous attitude, that self-defeatist attitude and it’s always there.”
– James
Iraq War Vet
Medical Disclaimer
The information presented in this site is not intended as and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult your health care professional for an opinion regarding a specific medical condition.
Questions to Ask
Here are some questions you may want to ask that can help you and your doctor figure out
the best treatment that fits you:
- What is causing my depression? Is it another health problem or medication?
- Which treatments are right for me(medication, counseling, or both)? Why?
- What medication side effects should I look out for?
- If I notice side effects, who should I contact, you or someone else in your office?
- Are there any foods, alcohol, or medications that I shouldn’t take while I’m on
this medication?
- How long will it take before I start feeling better?
- How long do I need to take this medication and/or be in therapy?
- What if this doesn’t work? What’s next?
- Will my insurance pay for it? How much will I have to pay?
- What if I can’t pay for the medication? Are there any free as samples from the
company that makes it?
- Should I think about experimental treatments or clinical trials?
- Is there anything else I can do to feel better?
- How do I talk about my depression with other people?
- Should I talk to my advisor or my boss about it?
- What should I do if I start to feel suicidal?