Signs & Symptoms

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), depression puts men at high risk for suicide. In fact, four times more men die by suicide than women.

But there’s good news – NIMH also says that with the right treatment depression improves about 80% of the time.

Click here to take the Confidential Depression Screening Test at


“I had a few of those episodes that were very real, real serious, like that.  And that’s why I don’t own a gun anymore.”

Former NFL Quarterback

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Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Depression has a number of signs and symptoms. Sometimes men or those closest to them, may not see the signs. Men are each affected in different ways, but three of the most common signs are pain, risk taking, and anger.


Depression may show up as physical signs like constant headaches, stomach problems, or pain that doesn’t seem to be from other causes or that doesn’t respond to normal treatments.

Risk Taking

Sometimes depressed men will start taking risks like dangerous sports, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, and casual sex.


Anger can show itself in different ways like road rage, having a short temper, being easily upset by criticism, and even violence. Here are some other common signs, especially if they last for a few weeks or months:

  • Feeling guilty, worthless, or that you always fail
  • Feeling restless and/or irritable
  • Having no energy
  • Problems sleeping (not sleeping or sleeping too much)
  • Feeling angry or violent
  • Feeling like you can’t work or get things done
  • Using alcohol or drugs to feel better
  • Sexual inability
  • Losing interest in hobbies, work, and/or sex
  • Having problems focusing, remembering, or making choices
  • Missing work, class, or appointments
  • Not caring about anything or feeling “blank”
  • Always feeling sad or nervous
  • Changes in appetite and/or weight
  • Working too much
  • Feeling alone
  • Being negative about everything
  • Thinking about death or suicide